High Risk Feet- Saving the Feet of people with Diabetes:A novel initiative of MV Diabetes at Adyar

High Risk Feet- Saving the Feet of people with Diabetes:A novel initiative of MV Diabetes at Adyar

High Risk Feet- Saving the Feet of people with Diabetes:
A novel initiative of MV Diabetes at Adyar

Venue: Sreela Terrace, No.105, 3rd Floor, 1st Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai- 600 020 (Opp.Adyar Flyover)
Call/ wsp: 9884954913, Email: adyar@mvdiabetes.com

One of the most dreaded complications of diabetes is diabetic foot infection leading to gangrene and leg /foot amputation. Educating patients early about the risk of developing foot ulcer is believed to constitute a cost effective strategy and will control progression.
Good control of blood sugar level – remains the best way to prevent diabetic complications. Look at your feet every day to check for cuts, sores, blisters, redness, callus [Thickend areas of skin under the feet] or other problems. Use of proper footwear is very important to prevent foot Complications.

Low and Middle income countries face high burden of foot related problems among people with diabetes. Low level of awareness about foot care practices and poor management of foot ulcer leads to amputation. Wound care is an integral part of healthcare system. Wound clinics play a crucial role in modern healthcare addressing a wide range of acute and chronic wounds.
Dr Vijay Viswanathan the Chairman and Managing Director of MV Diabetes Chennai & Adyar inaugurated the High-Risk Foot Clinic at M V Diabetes Adyar on 05 April 2024. 

The primary goal of this initiative is to detect foot problems early, educate people and to prevent complications like ulcers and amputations and improve the overall quality of life of people with diabetes. 

Comprehensive assessment to screen for neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease is recommended annually for everyone. In this clinic we also examine the muscle power and teach people exercises to improve the muscle power We educate the people about self-care practices to examine their feet daily, lifestyle modifications and the importance of regular check-ups, empowering them to actively manage their foot health. The importance of appropriate foot wear and foot care are also emphasised.

By focusing on preventive care and early intervention, the high risk foot clinic can contribute to reducing the economic burden associated with treating advanced foot complications and related healthcare expenses.

Dr. V. P. Sriram and Dr. Amala Florida senior consultants of MV Diabetes Adyar are actively counselling the people to prevent the complications due to Diabetes.
