he National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (NIT Trichy), is proud to announce the Global Alumni Meet (GAM) 2025, a landmark event organized by RECAL, the institute’s officialalumniassociation.ScheduledforJanuary4,2025,attheprestigiousITCGrandChola, Chennai, GAM 2025 will bring together alumni from across the globe to celebrate the shared legacy of REC/NITTrichy.NITTrichyproudlystands as a powerhouse of talent and innovation,withadynamicnetworkofover48,000alumni,including930+CEOsand1,300+ founders/co-founders,whohaveshapedindustriesanddriventransformativechangeacrossthe globe.
The event will feature an illustrious lineup of highly distinguished alumni, including Mr. N. Chandrasekaran,ChairpersonoftheTataGroup,astheChiefGuest;Dr.PalanivelThiagarajan, Minister for Information Technology & Digital Services of Tamil Nadu, as the Guest of Honour; and Mr. Gopi Kallayil, Chief Business Strategistfor AI at Google, delivering the Keynote Address. Together with many distinguished alumni, they will make this momentous occasion a vibrant platform to reconnect, celebrate achievements, and foster impactful collaborations.
NIT Tiruchirappalli is expanding its entrepreneurship development and incubation program with a dedicated research and innovation hub. Spread over 20 acres on NIT Trichy campus, this hub will foster an eco-system to promote innovation, research and entrepreneurship.
The research and innovation hub on the NITTcampus will beaccessible from the Trichy- Thanjavurhighway making this one of the early initiatives in Tier IIcities. Some of the focus areas of research are around but not limited to AgriTech, FinTech, SpaceTech, GreenTech,
QuantumComputing,Semiconductors, IOT, Metallurgy besides Generative AI&ML technologies.Theinstitutehasproposedanestimatedinvestmentof₹100croreforthebuilding and ₹50 crore for equipment to realize this vision.
The initiative will leverage its illustrious alumni across all facets of the project – Educate, Ideate,Innovate,Incubate&Accelerate.Someprogramsarealreadyunderway,likethe