India’s fastest growing jewellery brand ‘Tanishq’ associates with Former Miss India finalist Shreya Rao

India’s fastest growing jewellery brand ‘Tanishq’ associates with Former Miss India finalist Shreya Rao

Chennai, December 4th 2021: India’s fastest growing jewellery brand Tanishq associates with Shreya Rao a former Miss India finalist and a ‘Pudumai Penn’ in her own right to engage with customers on Saturday, December 4th 2021 at Tanishq Jewellery.

The ‘Pudumai Penn’ is the self-assured and confident woman, who speaks and lives her heart. Tanishq at times links have themed a series of events that celebrate the everyday Pudumai Penn. Confidence is a key attribute that defines today’s progressive woman in every sphere. One of the many facets of this confidence stems from beauty and looking our best.

Customers are unaware of how to use make-up effectively to look their best in everyday situations – like work or an afterhour’s dinner, for everyday confidence. Make up is still seen as an indulgence for special occasions. Yet, there are quite a few customers who are seeking advice on subtle makeup that is complemented by everyday jewellery.

Shreya Rao has shared her story and also shared tips on personal makeup in an intimate, interactive session. Her session had tips and tricks on everyday makeup and which weaved Tanishq’s jewellery into a session, as the perfect accessory for looking good and feeling confident.

At the session 30 participants registered for the program and benefited from Shreya Rao’s practical tips.
