LIBA Hosts Spectacular Digital Marketing Summit 2023

LIBA Hosts Spectacular Digital Marketing Summit 2023

Chennai, India – The Digital Marketing Summit 2023 at LIBA was hosted and organised by the students. Their impeccable organizational skills for the Digital Marketing Summit 2023 held on April 23rd. The summit was a roaring success and witnessed industry experts from various sectors of digital marketing sharing their valuable insights.

The event’s organizing team consisted of Joshua, Mrudhulani, and Dr Florence Helen Nalini, who helped put together a fantastic show. Attendees were treated to a variety of informative and engaging talks from some of the most renowned experts in the digital marketing industry.

Mr Gabriello Verghese, the Founder of Pixel Buzz, kicked off the event with his enlightening presentation on “How to build a brand from the ground up?” His talk was filled with valuable points from his personal experience that left the audience with a new perspective on brand building and its importance.

Mr Sudharsanan Ganapathy, Founder, and CEO of The Social Company followed with his insights into personal branding, which was nothing short of impressive. Attendees were treated to a glimpse of the power of personal branding and its importance in the digital age.

Mrs. Jennifer Daniel, a senior journalist, and founder and digital editor-in-chief of Seithalai Publications, gave a fascinating talk on the importance and relevance of PR in the modern world. Her insights were truly thought-provoking, and attendees left with a new understanding of the role of PR in the world today.

Mr Daniel Raja, a senior journalist with over 16 years of experience in print and digital media, spoke on the significance of publication in today’s world. His talk was an eye-opener for attendees who left with a new appreciation for the role of publication in the digital age.

Mr Dharaneetharan, CEO of Social Eagles, Ex-Head of Digital at Naturals Salon, and Founder-21DC Community & Social Eagle, followed with his talk on upskilling to stay relevant. Attendees were treated to real-life examples and ideas on how to earn in the real world, making the talk not only informative but also practical.

Mr Vishnu Ram, a popular singer and influencer, shared his initial struggles and how he overcame them to find success on YouTube and Instagram.

Mrs Vaanathi gave attendees a peek into the world of travel influencing/blogging, which was detailed and insightful. Her talk helped attendees understand the various aspects of being a travel influencer and the challenges they face in this dynamic industry.

The summit ended on a high note with the launch of Dr Florence Helen Nalini’s book, “Kanavugal Kaikettum Thooram Dhan,” which is based on her personal experiences and struggles. Her book is a motivational guide that can help readers believe in their abilities and overcome any obstacles they may face.

The Digital Marketing Summit 2023 was a massive success, thanks to the efforts of the organizing team and the insightful talks from industry experts. Attendees left with a new understanding and appreciation for the power of digital marketing and the importance of staying relevant in the dynamic world of digital media.
