This Children’s Day, Rotary Club of Madras

This Children’s Day, Rotary Club of Madras East recognizes two young prodigies Steven Samuel Devassy for Music and Tiyasha Vathul for Equestrian Sports with Young Achiever Award 2021

This Children’s Day, Rotary Club of Madras East recognizes two young achievers: Steven Samuel Devassy for Music and Tiyasha Vathul for Equestrian Sports with Young Achiever Awards 2021. The award function was presented at 11 AM on November 14, 2021 at GRT Convention Center, T.Nagar, with Mr.Sameer Bharat Ram, an Entrepreneur and Film Producer presiding as the Chief Guest.

The ‘Young Achiever Award’ was initiated in 2011 by Rotary club of Madras East and is sponsored by Rotarian Murugavel Selvan. This award is given annually to promising youngsters from various fields including music, arts, sports, education, technology, social works, and literature. The award is an attempt to motivate budding young achievers who believe in the quality of perseverance. This award recognizes their hard work, talent, and their desire to excel in their chosen field.

Every year the ‘Young Achiever Award’ has been awarded by means of a systematic and structured selection process. Nominations received through various sources are subjected to scrutiny by a panel of Judges who evaluate the achievements on various parameters. The proud recipients of this award in the past years have included child music prodigy Lydian Nadhaswaram and Harshwardhansinh Zala who invented a landmine detection drone.

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